Simply the Brain
What is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology is a gentle, non-invasive therapy that uses muscle monitoring techniques to identify and correct imbalances throughout the body. Developed in the 1960s, it combines Western medicine with Eastern wisdom to heal physical, emotional and mental trauma and restore the patient to balance, health and happiness.
Kinesiology combines knowledge from acupressure, reflexology, emotional stress diffusion, sound healing (tuning forks), colour healing, flower essences, and chakra balancing, among many others. Other correction techniques can also be used in accordance with the individual practitioner’s training, thereby making Kinesiology one of the most comprehensive and adaptable of holistic therapies. Kinesiology has been integrated with clear, positive results into the therapies of Naturopaths, Homeopaths, Herbalists, and traditional Chinese medical practitioners.
Complementary therapies have been steadily gaining popularity and acceptance in Australia, as demonstrated by the fact that many of Australia’s major health funds now offer rebates for complementary therapies, including Kinesiology.
Professional Kinesiology practitioners are required to undertake years of training to be able to effectively apply muscle monitoring to assess and correct bio-feedback issues within the body. Nevertheless, in Australia alone there is an ever-growing number of professional practitioners that register with the Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA) each year.
Today, Kinesiology remains one of the fastest-growing natural therapies in the world with practitioners, students and courses teaching, learning and healing in over 100 countries.
You don’t have to be feeling unwell to benefit from Kinesiology; individual programs can be tailored to help strengthen and improve diverse areas of a person’s life, such as education, nutrition, sports, business, finance, confidence, self-worth, and relationships.
Jacque’s Mission
Jacque passionately teaches her knowledge of how to work easily with the highly complex brain, with globally based students and colleagues.
“Any moment can define you; the beauty is you get to choose which one.”
- Australian Kinesiology Association 2003 – Outstanding Contribution to the Development and Recognition of Kinesiology in Australia
- Australian Kinesiology Association 2016 – Long-Standing Member of 20 Years
- Kinesiology College for Energetic Sciences 1998 – Academic Excellence
- Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA)
- Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)
- Energy Kinesiology Association (EnKA)
Jacque Mooney
Jacque was born in British Columbia, Canada
where she studied Education at University of Victoria, and worked in accounting in the banking industry prior to moving to Australia in 1977. Jacque transitioned to the Travel and Tourism industry, where she subsequently spent 10 years which led to her instructing in Travel and Tourism at Sydney TAFE.
After moving to Melbourne in 1990
Jacque worked through a bereavement hospital as a grief counsellor, where she found her calling which was to assist people in a state of chaos or transition.
Jacque was introduced to Charles Krebs (PhD)
who developed the LEAP Brain Integration Program in Kinesiology, by a mutual friend, which inspired her to study the field of Kinesiology. Jacque was particularly interested in working and helping children with learning difficulties using Kinesiology which was the field of Dr Krebs’ speciality. Jacque completed a two-year integrated program with Dr Krebs and later on, a further 2 years to obtain a diploma in Health Sciences in Holistic Kinesiology. Jacque has studied extensively and worked closely with Dr. Charles Krebs since 1993 both in private practice and as an Instructor and Instructor trainer of the LEAP Brain Integration Program.
In addition to Kinesiology
Jacque has studied energetic modalities including Bowen, NOT (Neural Organisation Technique) and NST (Neural Structural Integration Technique). As well as balancing physical and emotional stresses, Jacque specialises in working with the brain, learning problems and overall performance enhancement with children and adults.
Jacque is the Australian Faculty Instructor and Instructor Trainer
for Applied Physiology, including Anatomy and Physiology of the Brain, LEAP Brain Integration 1-7 Workshops, Simply the Brain (STB) and Instructor for Stress Indicator Points (SIPS). Jacque is the Developer, Instructor and Instructor Trainer for Simply the Brain Workshops and is an International Presenter and Instructor currently teaching courses in Canada, the United States, Australia, Japan, and China and more recently, Online.
Jacque Mooney has been a Professional Kinesiology Practitioner
in Kinesiology and other related modalities. She operates her own clinic in Melbourne, Australia. As well as balancing physical and emotional stresses, Jacque specialises in working with the brain, learning problems and overall performance enhancement with children and adults.
Jacque is also an active Board Member
of the Australian Kinesiology Course Accreditation Board as well as a member of the AKA and ATMS.
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