“I did the 7 Chi Keys several years ago….It is one of the most useful techniques I use.” Barry Watson
“Thank you again for teaching so beautifully, and eloquently, the Holographic MM and Essence. You really made the 4 days unbelievable. I am using it all the time, as well as the keys. It really made a profound change in me, both in everyday life and in my work.” Carmen Duguid
“My son who went through the Leap program with Gordon Dickson 13 years ago…dyslexia problems…recently won the Golden Apprentice Printing award for PICA Queensland and is now in the running for the Australian Apprentice. No wonder I love LEAP so much.” Evelyn Wakeford
“I am having the most amazing results with people suffering from chronic depression with a combination of 7chi keys attitude with essence and brain integration. I can’t thank you enough for giving me these tools with which to work, they are absolutely astounding.“
Jill Smith
“Thank you again for the amazing, life-changing course you taught us. I love your style of teaching as you always make us feel comfortable learning an intense wealth of knowledge, yet you keep us entertained at the same time!” Janine Davies
“Thank-you for being wonderful!!! and also fantastic for the Brain Integration Leap in Brisbane. I really appreciated your energy and teaching style….. I feel very enthused about practicing and integrating the material with others.
Thank you for helping me to clear some ‘junk’ around my heart. I ‘feel’ so light and lovely and after finally getting some sleep, i have been taking time to enjoy being me again.“
Jo Harrison